New Mark Levinson & Revel products
Harman International has announced updates to its Mark Levinson family of amplifiers and Revel speakers.
In Stereophile's CES2007 blog you can see replacement for Marki Levinson top-of-the-line 33H mono amps, new model No.53.
Revel has announced replacement for its Ultima series speakers, entitled Ultima2. As their Web-site puts it: " Ultima Salon2, Studio2, Gem2 and Voice2 are the much anticipated successors to the world-renowned Ultima Series loudspeakers, offering dramatically improved sound quality and aesthetics." I heartily remember a pair of first-generation Studios I owned for 4 years, and replaced by a pair of JM Lab Micro Be a year ago. Personally I found previous futuristic design much better looking than "normal" looking Studio2. Judge yourself.

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